Message from Chairman

Throughout our business operation, among technological and consumers’ behaviors changes , affected by COVID-19 pandemic, we, Planet Communications Asia Public Company Limited or PLANET remains focusing on corporate governance to develop capability for reliable goods and services .
The year 2021 is another drastically challenging year with our commitment driving our business in line with business growth, adjustment to situation, setting business strategies focusing on increase of capacity, efficient cost management for satisfactory operating performance.
Since 1994, we have established business partnership and alliance as well as collaboration with public and private organizations for fruitful activities. With our business experiences and expertise, our customers and business partners give their confidence in us so that we can gear our business to technological changes area as Digital Technology Provider, complete digital technology provider and be able to well-responsive with public and customers’ demand with long-terms growth and sustainability.
With international standards oriented -business operation and good collaborations from all relevant parties, we have been trusted and confident by our customers and business partners. Furthermore, we focused on social, community, environmental concerns and participation from all our stakeholders, in line with social responsibility and business ethics.
We committed to give importance and awareness on fundamental rights of our shareholders in line with equitable treatment and fairness , sincere compliance with the contract’s terms and conditions, accurate , complete, transparent disclosure, oriented-good , continuous connection with business partners, public and private organizations through fruitful activities.
In 2022, we would step up to be a company with broad-spectrum businesses, including infrastructure, digital technologies, and others in line with long-term investment plan.
As Chief Executive Office, I would like to thank for all management team and staff for your devotion of capability, commitment to take part in making our company grown up to brilliant prospect. I also would like to thank for all shareholders, business partners, and stakeholders for your support and giving us confidence. We promise to make strong commitment and working performance at our full capacity to make our company incessant growing and business growth and sustainability in the future.
Dr. Ruttikorn Varakulsiripunth
Chairman of Planet Communications Asia PLC.
Message from CEO and CTO

The year 2021 was another year that Planet Communications Asia Public Company Limited or PLANET facing challenges from COVID-19 pandemic. However, with our careful business operation by increase of cost management efficiency and expenditure control, our profit- making remained at satisfactory level.
COVID-19 has brought to behavior changes worldwide in line with rapid technological changes leading to high demand for New S Curve products market. We have turned this crisis to chance driven to Digital Technology Provider.
In 2021, apart from our concerns in personnel development, IT and digital technology knowledge development , we further focused on approaching our New S Curve mega-trend products in highly expanding new businesses including
- Digital Technology Products
- 5 G Technology Products , for example, Cloud Computing, IoT Platform, CCTV/Video Analytics, Data Center, Telemedicine and Energy through 5G telecommunication networks
- Telecommunication Technology Products including satellite telecommunication networks systems, wired and wireless telecommunication systems, fiber optic telecommunication systems
- Cyber Security Technology Systems for on-line financial transaction security, IT and OT security systems as well as PDPA
These four groups of technology have been used for research, development, design and system integration, producing new smart solutions well-responsive with changes and emergences to efficiently serve emerging market demand.
For our long-term investment plan, we established our new subsidiary companies named PlanetUtility Co., Ltd. operating commercial water and electricity supply management and services , PlanetCyber Co., Ltd. for cyber security technology business expansion on buying, selling, designing, installing and providing after-sale services for cyber security system for public and private sectors.
With our challenging role as complete Digital Technology Provider, we are confident to be returned with good feedback more apparent from now.
In 2022, our business expansion would be in Internet of Things: IoT, Artificial Intelligence: AI, City Data Platform, Smart Pole, Utilities Business Expansion and advanced technology projects development with strategic plan focused on Eastern Economic Corridor : EEC market. We signed on a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Silicon Technology Park Co., Ltd. for constructing and developing Ban Chang Advanced Digital and Technology Innovation Center or EEC SILICON TECH PARK (EECTP) to design and create the most advanced Digital City model to stimulate leading global technology companies to come to establish Research and Development (R&D) center at EEC SILICON TECH PARK
With 7 Digital Infrastructures platforms which are 1.Nextgen Telecom/High Availability equipped with all-time connected backup telecommunication systems 2.Electricity High Availability equipped with all-time consuming back- up power system 3.Clean Water Supply ready for drink 4. No Air Pollution 5. Highly efficient surveillance and security by digital closed circuit camera , Analytics & AI for monitoring, tracking and traffic management in the project 6.Waste Management in environmentally-friendly waste reduction, eradication and recycle 7. Telemedicine to facilitate staff in the project be abruptly accessible with medical services without going to hospital.
These 7 platforms have used Digital Platform Technology of efficiently integrated digital technologies, for example, Green Energy, Nextgen Telecom, Cloud Computing, Ai/Analytic, IoT, Digital Twins, Big Data & GIS, etc., data collection, data processing , monitoring, controlling, managing and reporting through Digital Monitoring and Operation Center (DMOC) in form of Dashboard, displayed on 3×16 meter Video Wall easily for inspection, management, and troubleshooting at single point promptly aimed at most efficient infrastructure management systems, reducing energy, minimizing carbon production, global warming in accordance with ISO international standards and building up confidence to quality investors for industrial development in EEC zone.
We focus on new market with highly smart technologies including Smart City which the targeted group is local administrations demanding for upgrading local people’s life for better life, health and security , Smart Factory which is the group of industries developed by robot and automated machines in demand of IoT Platform technologies and AI for cost reduction.
The last group is Smart Healthcare , targeting on any organizations related with public health, for example, medical centers and organizations under Ministry of Public Health by Telemedicine, Cloud Computing, Data Center and AI technologies for upgrading people’s health and sanitation in remote area and accessibility to services.
Our revenue forecast in 2022 would be at 125% with growth , up to 3,000 million Baht in next three years.
Lastly, we have operated our business in line with corporate governance relied on accountability, all kinds of anti-corruption community, social and environmental responsibility for the growth and sustainability of all stakeholders. We are aware of the importance of fundamental rights of stakeholders through our policies including protection of shareholder’s rights in equity and fairness, commitment with commercial codes and amicable compliance with covenants’ terms and conditions.
Mr. Prapat Rathlertkarn
President & CEO
Trevor J. Thompson
President & CTO